How To Tell If Someone Unadded You on Snapchat?

Since you don’t get a notification if someone unfriends you, it can be confusing to understand what is going on. You might wonder ‘How to tell if someone unadded you on Snapchat?’ especially when your conversations disappear with a particular friend.

Snapchat being one of the most popular social media platforms amongst Gen Z, it doesn’t share when someone unadds or undfriends you keeping user privacy in mind. This lack of update can leave us questioning if we are removed or simply there is another issue. Don’t worry there are some ways to find out. In this blog, we will help you understand hints and tips on how to tell if someone unadded you on Snapchat. Additionally, we will also clear some possible misconceptions to ensure there are no misunderstandings between friends.

How To Tell If Someone Unadded You on Snapchat? 6 Ways

1. Check Your My Friend List

The most direct way to check if someone has unadded you on Snapchat is by checking your ‘My Friend List.’ As the name suggests, this section gives you the list of people you are friends with on Snapchat. If someone has unadded you, you won’t be able to find them in the list. This is the major indicator of ‘How to tell if someone unadded you on Snapchat.’ Here is how to check:

  • Open Snapchat, and go to your profile.
  • Tap on ‘Friends’ and scroll to ‘My Friend List.’

How To Tell If Someone Unadded You on Snapchat

  • Now, in the search bar, search for the person you think has unadded you.
  • If you can’t find them in the list, it means you have been unfriended by them.

How To Tell If Someone Unadded You on Snapchat

2. Camera Replaced by ‘X’

How To Tell If Someone Unadded You on Snapchat

On your Snapchat chat screen, you will see a camera icon next to your friend’s name. This gives quick access to take and send snaps to that particular friend. But if you see an ‘X’ instead of a camera icon, it means either you have not accepted their friend request or they have unadded you.

3. Send Them A Snap

Now that we have covered the most direct and visual indicators, let’s see the practical method of how to tell if someone unadded you on Snapchat. For that you have to send a snap to the friend you suspect has unadded you. If you have been unfriended, you can still text or send snaps to them but they can’t see them in their chat. So, when you send them a snap, it will display the status as ‘Pending’ confirming the suspicion of them unfriending you.

4. No Information On Profile Page

How To Tell If Someone Unadded You on Snapchat

Another way to know the friendship status on Snapchat is by checking their profile page. Usually, the profile page of a friend shows their Avatar, Snapscore, Snapstreak with you, birthday, saved Snaps, horoscope, and charms. But if you have been unadded, you won’t be able to see anything except for their Avatar You can check their profile page by going to the chat screen, opening the conversation you want to check, and then clicking on the profile icon.

5. Stories Not Visible

As Snapchat only allows your friends to see your stories, so if someone unfriends you their stories will also be not visible to you.

6. No Calling Options

How To Tell If Someone Unadded You on Snapchat

The last hint that will help you how to tell if someone unadded you on Snapchat is to check calling options. Snapchat allows you to make calls and video calls to your friends. You can find the shortcut for calling on the top right of the chat window. But if someone unadds you, these options will not be available. This confirms that you have been unfriended by that person.

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Possible Misunderstandings

Sometimes the signs indicating how to tell if someone unadded you on Snapchat can be misguiding. You might think you’ve been unfriended, but that might not be the case. Here are some situations that could cause misunderstandings:

1. Inactive Account

If a friend is inactive on Snapchat, their profile might not display recent updates, and they may not appear in your chats frequently. This might give the impression that they have unadded you, but they might have stopped using the app.

2. Privacy Settings

Sometimes, the change in privacy settings can affect what you see on your friend’s profile. For example, if a friend has adjusted their settings to limit visibility, you might not see their stories or profile details even if you’re still friends. This simple privacy adjustment can lead to misunderstandings about being unadded.

3. Account Issues

At times technical issues or glitches with Snapchat servers can temporarily send wrong information about your friend list, message status, or story visibility. So, if something seems off, it might not mean you’ve been unfriended, it could be any of these reasons.


Here we end this blog and in conclusion, we can say that figuring out how to tell if someone unadded you on Snapchat doesn’t have to be a mystery or tedious task. You can find this by checking for changes in your friend list, and message status, and looking for signs like missing Stories. But keep in mind that there are often other explanations, such as changes in privacy settings or temporary issues, so don’t jump to conclusions. Instead, try to understand these hints to maintain Snapchat friendships with confidence. We hope this guide has helped you find the answer to ‘How to tell if someone unadded you on Snapchat?’ and made your Snapchat experience a bit easier.

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1. How can I tell if someone unfriended on Snapchat?

Ans – If someone unfriends you on Snapchat, you may notice a few signs like their name will no longer appear in your friends list, you may not be able to view their Stories, you won’t be able to see their profile information including snapscores and any direct messages you send will show as “Pending” or have a gray arrow.

2. Can you chat with someone who unfriended you on Snapchat?

Ans – No, you cannot chat with someone who unfriended you on Snapchat. Messages you send will remain “Pending” and will not be delivered.

3. What does it look like on Snap when someone unadded you?

Ans – You won’t find them in your friend list if someone has unadded you. You can’t see their profile information or access their stories. Additionally, you can’t send them snaps as they won’t be delivered to them.

4. Can you send a snap to someone who is not your friend?

Ans – No, you cannot send a Snap to someone who is not on your friends list.

5. How do I know if I am blocked on Snapchat?

Ans – Open Snapchat and in the search bar, search for their username. If you can’t find them, you may be blocked.

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